Enseignement supérieur de Management
Enseignement supérieur de Management
Le langage de la praticité en recherche en management

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Le langage de la praticité en recherche en management

La recherche en management manque de praticité. Les chercheurs en management ont tendance à se consacrer à des travaux théoriques déconnectés de la vie en entreprise et de n’écrire que pour leur communauté. Une revue systématique des implications pratiques des articles publiés dans des revues de management montre qu’elles contiennent une majorité de propositions triviales, c’est-à-dire des propositions qui n’avancent pas des recommandations qui puissent être mise en pratique. Pour améliorer cette situation, les chercheurs en management sont encouragés à utiliser un langage synthétique lorsqu’ils écrivent les implications pratiques de leurs travaux.

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Médias de la même institution

The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept emphasizes that business success should not be measured solely by financial performance. It includes social and environmental impacts alongside profit. Additionally, dynamic capabilities help firms adapt to rapid environmental changes and enhance sustainability performance. Previous studies have shown that TBL initiatives can also improve sustainability performance. However, no research has investigated how dynamic abilities and TBL initiatives jointly impact B2B firms’ sustainability performance in the post-COVID-19 period. This study aims to examine the implications of dynamic capabilities on TBL performance, particularly from a B2B marketing perspective. By developing and validating a conceptual research model, it contributes to the literature related to dynamic capability view, TBL, and sustainability.
Based on institutional theory and the dynamic capability view, this study delves into the relationship between a firm’s climate change adaptation (CCA) capability and its performance, with a focus on the mediating influence of business-to-business (B2B) marketing capability. The study poses two main research questions: RQ1: What role do institutional pressures play in fostering CCA capability among B2B firms in both developed and developing countries? RQ2: How does the CCA capability of B2B firms impact their performance? To validate the theoretical model developed, data is collected through surveys conducted in a developed country (Australia) and a developing country (South Africa). The study holds significance on two fronts: (a) being among the first to examine the influence of institutional pressures on CCA capability development, and (b) uncovering the mediating role of marketing capability in enhancing B2B firm performance through CCA capability. The study’s novel contribution lies in identifying pivotal elements for driving exceptional B2B firm performance amidst climate change, while employing institutional theory and the dynamic capability view to elucidate underlying mechanisms.
BAG Surajit - EMLV |
The paper explores how sanctions affect international business (IB) and how firms respond to sanctions. We propose that firms’ reactions to sanctions can be analyzed through the lenses of leading IB theories, including institutions-based view and resource-based view. We argue that IB scholars can go beyond existing approaches to explain how firms act when facing sanctions. Moreover, we suggest that studies of firms facing sanctions help to reassess some of the assumptions underlying the prevailing theoretical explanations. We contribute with systematic view on strategy options that international and domestic firms may implement when faced with sanctions.
Bien que la pratique du coaching ait fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue dans la littérature, aucun cadre théorique n’existe pour guider le langage des conversations visant à améliorer la performance des dirigeants. Cet article répond à cette omission. À la suite de Richard Weaver, il ressuscite une ancienne distinction entre langage noble et ignoble et combine cette distinction avec une hiérarchie linguistique. Le langage noble culmine et donne voix à une performance exécutive optimale ; en tant que tel, c’est le langage idéal du coaching.
JOULLIÉ Jean-Étienne - EMLV |

Médias de la même thématique

The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept emphasizes that business success should not be measured solely by financial performance. It includes social and environmental impacts alongside profit. Additionally, dynamic capabilities help firms adapt to rapid environmental changes and enhance sustainability performance. Previous studies have shown that TBL initiatives can also improve sustainability performance. However, no research has investigated how dynamic abilities and TBL initiatives jointly impact B2B firms’ sustainability performance in the post-COVID-19 period. This study aims to examine the implications of dynamic capabilities on TBL performance, particularly from a B2B marketing perspective. By developing and validating a conceptual research model, it contributes to the literature related to dynamic capability view, TBL, and sustainability.
Ce numéro double de la revue Entreprendre & Innover montre comment l’entrepreneuriat de territoire – à savoir des dynamiques entrepreneuriales portées par les acteurs locaux et pour leur territoire – permet d’adresser les enjeux d’un développement local soutenable. Une douzaine de cas différents par les échelles territoriales et les enjeux adressés, permettent de saisir la façon dont (1) les acteurs du territoire, individus, privés, publics ou associatifs, peuvent s’engager dans des actions locales, (2) comment se créer des dynamiques de coopération entre acteurs, et (3) l’apparition de pratiques d’accompagnement des acteurs locaux, via des actions sur la gouvernance, la création de structures ad hoc, ou de dispositifs d’accompagnement. Un état des lieux de l’entrepreneuriat de territoire en ressort, qui permet d’en cerner les leviers, ainsi que les difficultés et écueils à éviter.
CHABAUD Didier - IAE Paris-Sorbonne |
Alice Guilhon, invitée du 18e épisode du podcast "Le Grand Oral AEF info x Fnege", s'est forgé une place centrale dans le milieu des business schools, aux confluents de tous les réseaux de décision. Au moment où les acteurs du privé lucratif se renforcent, riches des fonds auxquels ils sont parfois adossés, et à l'heure où le MESR réfléchit à la régulation de ce "marché", comment la DG de Skema voit-elle évoluer le modèle économique de son école associative? Longtemps opposée au privé lucratif, Alice Guilhon n’exclut plus, dit-elle, d’y avoir recours un jour pour financer sa croissance.
GUILHON Alice - SKEMA Business School |
Based on institutional theory and the dynamic capability view, this study delves into the relationship between a firm’s climate change adaptation (CCA) capability and its performance, with a focus on the mediating influence of business-to-business (B2B) marketing capability. The study poses two main research questions: RQ1: What role do institutional pressures play in fostering CCA capability among B2B firms in both developed and developing countries? RQ2: How does the CCA capability of B2B firms impact their performance? To validate the theoretical model developed, data is collected through surveys conducted in a developed country (Australia) and a developing country (South Africa). The study holds significance on two fronts: (a) being among the first to examine the influence of institutional pressures on CCA capability development, and (b) uncovering the mediating role of marketing capability in enhancing B2B firm performance through CCA capability. The study’s novel contribution lies in identifying pivotal elements for driving exceptional B2B firm performance amidst climate change, while employing institutional theory and the dynamic capability view to elucidate underlying mechanisms.
BAG Surajit - EMLV |

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