The so-called ‘relevant’ market innovations incorporate the idea that economic activity can no longer be guided only by profitability but must also be interested in its impact on society. By studying the development of a new system for the collection and recycling of telephones, we have observed that social concerns interfere with the market and are integrated into its functioning through the change of practices whether normative, representation or exchange. Nevertheless, social concerns, once embedded in the functioning of the market, come out transformed. Thus altered, they fail to generate a profound transformation of the market and are once again confined within the limits of society. This circular mechanism is perpetuated by the idea that the market must be “interested” and separated from social concerns. It is only by overcoming this opposition that political decision-makers will be able to promote cultural change and transform current markets into more sustainable forms.
Pitch pour le Prix FNEGE de la Meilleure Thèse en Management 2023 (thèse en 180 secondes) - Prix de thèse AIRL-SCM
L'action humanitaire est confrontée à de nombreuses crises à travers le monde. Des situations telles que les conflits armés, les catastrophes naturelles et les crises sanitaires ont un impact dévastateur sur les populations vulnérables. L’analyse de ces crises montre qu'elles sont de plus en plus persistantes, chroniques et interconnectées. Cependant, ce constat soulève un premier questionnement : peut-on encore parler de "crise" lorsque ces situations deviennent la norme plutôt que des événements ponctuels ?
TOSI Laetitia - FNEGE |
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