What is Deep Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) ?


“Deep” Electronic Word of Mouth involves in-depth online consumer discussions about products and services. It goes beyond surface-level comments, offering thoroughness, authenticity, and influence. Examples include detailed reviews on platforms like Amazon, TripAdvisor and discussions in specialized forums impacting businesses and consumers.


Medias of the same institution

Fintech, a contraction of "finance" and "technology," refers to companies that use technology to offer innovative financial services that are often more accessible or less expensive than traditional banks. Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a suite of financial services that are not controlled by a central authority. It uses blockchain technology to create financial applications that operate without intermediaries such as banks, financial institutions, or governments.
SALLOUM Charbel - EM Normandie |
Femvertising is a term for advertising that utilizes pro-female talent, messaging, and imagery to empower and uplift women and girls. It is a successful approach for brands to create a positive emotional connection with their consumers through a sense of pride and inspiration that drives deeper engagement and brand loyalty. When brands use pro-female messages for profit without a genuine commitment to gender equality and body inclusivity, femvertising risks being perceived as a form of opportunism. This lack of authenticity in advertising can lead to femwashing.
BAYARASSOU Oula - EM Normandie |
Brand Hate encompasses a variety of negative emotions towards a brand, such as anger, disgust, contempt, and disappointment. It is often rooted in ideological incompatibility, which refers to a conflict between a brand's values and those of the consumer, as well as negative experiences and corporate misconduct. In addition, symbolic or image incongruence can contribute to brand hate, particularly when there's a mismatch between the typical image of a brand and the consumer's self-image. In response to these feelings of brand hate, consumers typically adopt one of two coping strategies: avoidance, similar to a flight response, or revenge, similar to a fight response.
BAYARASSOU Oula - EM Normandie |
Le développement des compétences interculturelles repose sur une approche expérientielle qui met l’apprenant en interaction directe avec d’autres cultures. Or, il n’est pas toujours faisable d’offrir une immersion dans une culture étrangère à tous les étudiants. Cette vidéo présente une expérience pédagogique qui permet un apprentissage expérientiel à distance des compétences interculturelles. Tout au long d’un semestre, les étudiants s’engagent dans une série d’interactions interpersonnelles et impersonnelles avec une culture étrangère, à partir desquelles ils développent une analyse de cette culture et une réflexion sur leur apprentissage.
GHANTOUS Nabil - EM Normandie |

Medias of the same thematics

Based on institutional theory and the dynamic capability view, this study delves into the relationship between a firm’s climate change adaptation (CCA) capability and its performance, with a focus on the mediating influence of business-to-business (B2B) marketing capability. The study poses two main research questions: RQ1: What role do institutional pressures play in fostering CCA capability among B2B firms in both developed and developing countries? RQ2: How does the CCA capability of B2B firms impact their performance? To validate the theoretical model developed, data is collected through surveys conducted in a developed country (Australia) and a developing country (South Africa). The study holds significance on two fronts: (a) being among the first to examine the influence of institutional pressures on CCA capability development, and (b) uncovering the mediating role of marketing capability in enhancing B2B firm performance through CCA capability. The study’s novel contribution lies in identifying pivotal elements for driving exceptional B2B firm performance amidst climate change, while employing institutional theory and the dynamic capability view to elucidate underlying mechanisms.
BAG Surajit - EMLV |
This cross-cultural study (individualistic vs. collectivistic culture) applies construal level theory, exploring the impact of cause familiarity on brand attitudes and how cause–brand fit mediates this link. The study also examines how perceived betrayal moderates the relationship between cause–brand fit and brand attitude. Data collection involved 455 participants from French and Turkish cultures via snowball sampling. Findings show cause familiarity significantly influences brand attitude, with attitude toward fit in a cause–brand alliance as a mediator. Perceived betrayal also moderates the cause–brand fit and brand attitude relationship, shedding light on the positive effects of aligning with a familiar cause on brand attitudes, emphasizing the crucial role of fit in such alliances.
Perceived product value describes consumers’ overall assessment of a product. It considers the extent to which a product meets the needs and expectations of a consumer. Product value perceptions can be understood as a trade-off between quality and price.
OSBURG Victoria-Sophie - MONTPELLIER Business School |

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