This cross-cultural study (individualistic vs. collectivistic culture) applies construal level theory, exploring the impact of cause familiarity on brand attitudes and how cause–brand fit mediates this link. The study also examines how perceived betrayal moderates the relationship between cause–brand fit and brand attitude. Data collection involved 455 participants from French and Turkish cultures via snowball sampling. Findings show cause familiarity significantly influences brand attitude, with attitude toward fit in a cause–brand alliance as a mediator. Perceived betrayal also moderates the cause–brand fit and brand attitude relationship, shedding light on the positive effects of aligning with a familiar cause on brand attitudes, emphasizing the crucial role of fit in such alliances.
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The purpose of our study is to examine how the sanctions influence macro talent management. To do so, we review the macro talent management (MTM) framework alongside the literature on sanctions. Using the case of Russia we have collected data from 419 media publications discussing the effects of sanctions and analyzed them using critical discourse analysis. Our findings highlight the predominantly negative nature of the sanctions’ impact on MTM ecosystems, theoretically yielding closer links between the sanctions and the MTM framework, and human capital more specifically.
- Research
- Human Resources Management