Drawing on the Foucauldian technologies of the self, this study explores how individuals re-envision practices of wellbeing outside of traditional organizational contexts during extreme events. Based on a thematic analysis of 7,234 comments posted on the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel in 2020, this study unpacks a technologically mediated practice of self-care, which we conceptualize as somametamnemata. Our findings illustrate three entangled aspects of somametamnemata relating to yoga, a form of bodywork: Caring about self through practicing yoga online; caring about self and others through sharing about yoga in written comments; and caring about self and others through responding to shared verbalizations of yoga. By situating the potentiality of individual wellbeing within ill-being, we shift debates and discussions of “corporate wellness” beyond organizational boundaries.
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Online shopping satisfaction hinges on two major factors: “fairness and security.” Customers want fair pricing, transparent processes, and respectful treatment—what researchers call distributive, procedural, and interactional “justice.”
UL-AIN Noor - EMLV |
- Research
- Digital Transformation, Logistics and Supply Chain, Marketing, Sales and Communication