What is emotion?

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Emotions, are very common words used in both personal and professional contexts. It is a process that it starts with a stimulus leads us to cognitive and physiological responses and then take us to behavior or action tendancies. They may arrive for a variety of reasons and the cause or stimulus is not always obvious. Sometimes it’s a characteristic of the environment that makes us feel emotionally aroused. They also need to be differentiated from related terms like moods, dispositional feelings or affect.

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La honte est une expérience émotionnelle qui survient lorsque vous ne répondez pas aux attentes des autres et que vous vous retrouvez avec une image négative de vous-même qui vous fait percevoir que vous paraissez inférieur ou faible aux yeux des autres. La honte ne survient pas uniquement lorsque nous faisons une action devant les autres, mais elle peut également survenir lorsqu'une personne de notre groupe agit d’une façon qui donne une mauvaise image de nous-même. La honte peut survenir pour des actions individuelles ou collectives.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
Le syndrome de l'imposteur est un phénomène bien étudié par les psychologues. Il est prédominant chez les personnes aux compétences exceptionnelles, et également très courant chez les femmes. Cela peut survenir pour diverses raisons mais deux facteurs semblent très importants : la dynamique familiale et la pression pour performer au travail. Le syndrome de l'imposteur peut avoir des conséquences importantes non seulement pour la personne qui en souffre, mais aussi pour ceux qui l'entourent. Lorsque la personne souffrant du syndrome de l'imposteur se trouve dans un environnement favorable, elle peut surmonter plus facilement ses sentiments et donner le meilleur d’elle-même.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
La frustration est une expérience émotionnelle négative très courante au travail dans un environnement client qui peut survenir dans diverses circonstances, généralement présentes lorsque nos objectifs sont bloqués, que l’on a un certain degré d'incertitude sur les causes du problème, que l’on pense que cette situation est injuste, et que l’on ne peut pas contrôler les choses. Ce qui se passe une fois que l’on se sent frustré, c'est que l’on peut soit « laisser tomber », soit persévérer, et ce que l’on fait en termes d'actions à entreprendre peut dépendre de facteurs personnels et environnementaux.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
In a research paper entitled "Legitimacy, Particularism and Employee Commitment and Justice" published in the Journal of Business Ethics, a 4* NEOMA journal (Rank 1 FNEGE, Rank 2 CNRS), Helena González-Gómez, professor in the People & Organizations department, in collaboration with Sarah Hudson and Cyrlene Claasen (Rennes School of Business), examine the practice of favoritism in companies and its impact on employee commitment.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |

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Drawing on the Foucauldian technologies of the self, this study explores how individuals re-envision practices of wellbeing outside of traditional organizational contexts during extreme events. Based on a thematic analysis of 7,234 comments posted on the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel in 2020, this study unpacks a technologically mediated practice of self-care, which we conceptualize as somametamnemata. Our findings illustrate three entangled aspects of somametamnemata relating to yoga, a form of bodywork: Caring about self through practicing yoga online; caring about self and others through sharing about yoga in written comments; and caring about self and others through responding to shared verbalizations of yoga. By situating the potentiality of individual wellbeing within ill-being, we shift debates and discussions of “corporate wellness” beyond organizational boundaries.
Shame is an emotional experience that occurs when you fail to meet the expectations of others and end up with a negative image of yourself that makes you perceive yourself to be inferior or weak to others. Shame does not only happen when we do something in front of others, but it can also happen when someone in our group does something that makes us look bad. Shame can arise for individual or collective actions.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
Impostor syndrome is a phenomenon well studied by psychologists. It is predominant among people with exceptional skills, and also very common among women. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but two factors seem very important: family dynamics and pressure to perform at work. Impostor’s syndrome can have significant consequences not only for the person suffering from it, but also for those around them.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
Frustration is a very common negative emotional experience at work in a client environment that can occur in a variety of circumstances, usually present when our goals are blocked, and there is some degree of uncertainty about the causes of the problem, that we think this is unfair, that we can’t control it. What happens once you feel frustrated is that you can either “drop out” or persevere, and what you do in terms of actions to take may depend on personal and environmental factors.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |

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