Coach certifié, fondateur de technologies pour le coaching, Olivier Malafronte est doctorant en Science de Gestion à l’Université Côte d’Azur sur le sujet du développement de la compétence des leaders et des managers avec intelligence artificielle et outils de coaching.
The use of artificial intelligence in Human Resources and coaching practice is leading to the emergence of a new phenomenon: the development of leaders through AI-automated coaching. An exploratory and qualitative empirical study of over one hundred participants has shown that the automation of open-ended questioning used in coaching promotes the activation and development of the skills required of leaders and future leaders, such as critical thinking, empathy, creativity and proactivity. This study not only provides a theoretical framework and variables for future research, but also offers practical recommendations for understanding and organizing the use of AI-automated tools.
MALAFRONTE Olivier - IAE Nice |
- Recherche
- Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Pédagogie du Management