Towards authentic, meaningful leadership

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Interview with Vineet NAYAR in the framework of his lecture “Towards authentic, meaningful leadership” on 2018 november, 30.
Vineet NAYAR is Founder Chairman of Sampark Foundation and former CEO of HCL Technologies and author of the highly acclaimed management bestseller “Employees First, Customers Second”.

A management visionary and radical thinker, Vineet led the transformation of HCL Technologies into one of India’s fastest-growing global information technology services company, growing from $0.7 billion in 2005 to a $4.7 billion Global Technology Services Company with over 85,000 employees across 32 countries in 2013. This radical transformation led Fortune to recognize HCLT as “the world’s most modern management” while BusinessWeek named HCLT as “one of the world’s most influential companies”; which led its innovative management practices to be taught as a case study at both the Harvard Business School and London Business School.

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