What are the impacts of digital transformations on the HR function? Has digitalization changed the repartition of activities between HR professionals and the proximity managers? What types of HR missions/activities/tools will be digitalized in the future?
To deepen these questions, an ambitious survey involving HR managers from BNP Paribas and Safran was launched, with a specific methodology (Delphi Method). In order to shape the future of the HR function more precisely, it is vital to better understand how HR professionals view themselves, their roles and their positions. This joint initiative of the chairs “Reinventing work” and “Une Usine pour le Futur” aims at understanding the future of digitalization for HR and HR managers today, but also tomorrow.
Are we just rational beings when at work? Over the last years, especially with the development of mobile technologies, work seems to be there at all time, in all locations, leading both companies and employees to reflect on work-life balance.
These trends have been fully explored but what about the other side of the story? Is there something else than work at work? Are employees trying to find a new equilibrium by inviting their personal life during their working hours?
This research project aims at studying people's relationship with their everyday life at work and to analyze how personal organization can constitute a meaningful resource to maintain some balance.
RAUCH Sophie - ESCP Business School |
- Trends
- Human Resources Management, Organizational behavior