Alvin Panjeta is a lecturer in management sciences at the IAE Paris Est and a researcher at the IRG. After studying anthropology at the EHESS, he defended a doctoral thesis at the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne on quality management in universities. Winner of the L’Harmattan scientific prize, in 2022 he published a book on the subject entitled Expérimenter la qualité à l’université : de la conformité aux normes techniques au potentiel des surprises bureaucratiques.

Conceptualized by John Dewey in the 1930s, valuation can be defined as a social practice whereby actors reflexively reframe the inherited unsatisfactory values. Values are not considered as abstract properties, predetermined benefits, private preferences or undebatable statements, but as observable facts, practices and judgements, that everyone can see in our attitudes, relations and gestures. Valuation is thus a process where ends and means always interact, and where “ends-in-themselves”, transform into provisional “ends-in-view”. Finally, valuation implies an ethical and political dimension as the pragmatists only embrace values that enable emancipation, and help democratic processes flourish.
PANJETA Alvin - IAE Paris-Est |
- Management Dictionary
- Organizational Theory, Public Management, Sustainable Development and CSR