The role of multiple large shareholders in the choice of debt source

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In this video, Wael Rouatbi presents his paper entitled “The role of multiple large shareholders in the choice of debt source”, co-authored with Sabri Boubaker and Walid Saffar, and published in Financial Management in 2017. Using a large sample of French listed companies, this study shows that companies with multiple controlling shareholders tend to resort to bank debt financing. The paper also shows that this effect is more important in companies where agency problems between controlling and minority shareholders are more severe.


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In this video, Wael Rouatbi presents his article entitled “The role of multiple large shareholders in the choice of debt source”, co-authored with Sabri Boubaker and Walid Saffar, and published in Financial Management in 2017. Using a large sample of French listed companies, this study shows that companies with multiple controlling shareholders tend to resort to bank debt financing.
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