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The term "Femvertising" refers to advertising that uses pro-feminine talents, messages and images to encourage and support women and girls. It's an effective approach that enables brands to create a positive emotional connection with their consumers by sublimating a sense of pride and inspiration conducive to deeper engagement and brand loyalty. When brands use pro-feminine messages for profit without a genuine commitment to gender equality and body inclusion, femvertising runs the risk of being perceived as a form of opportunism. This lack of authenticity in advertising can lead to "femwashing".
BAYARASSOU Oula - EM Normandie |
Le MIEL (Mur d'Images En Ligne) est une méthode de collecte de données en ligne qui utilise l’image comme moyen pour générer l’information. Cette approche mixte tire profit de la synergie entre méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives. En plus de la génération des textes à partir des commentaires sur les images choisies, le MIEL permet un traitement quantitatif complémentaire des résultats. La confrontation des résultats qualitatifs et quantitatifs permet de mettre en évidence des vraisemblances ou des contradictions. La diversité des données collectées ouvre le champ à une multitude de méthodes d’analyses possibles.
BAYARASSOU Oula - EM Normandie |
Brand hatred encompasses a range of negative emotions towards a brand, such as anger, disgust, contempt and disappointment. It is often rooted in ideological incompatibility, which refers to a conflict between a brand's values and those of the consumer, as well as negative experiences and corporate misconduct. In addition, symbolic or image incongruity can contribute to brand hatred, particularly when there is a mismatch between a brand's typical image and the consumer's self-image. In response to this brand hatred, consumers generally adopt one of two strategies: avoidance, which is similar to a flight reaction, or revenge, which is similar to a confrontational reaction.
BAYARASSOU Oula - EM Normandie |