Finance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché
Finance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché
Finance : comment le digital et les big data vont bouleverser les métiers de demain ?

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Finance : comment le digital et les big data vont bouleverser les métiers de demain ?

Les technologies digitales (le big data, Analytics, la robotique et l’intelligence artificielle) sont en train de bouleverser les pratiques au sein des entreprises et ceci touche quasiment tous les secteurs d’activité et tous les métiers y compris ceux de la Direction financière, du conseil et de l’audit. État des lieux et analyse prospective sur les mutations à venir.

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Professionals tend to strongly resist breaking from their professions’ core cultural tenets and it is unclear how some may voluntarily break from deeply ingrained views. Through our study of French anesthesiologists who practice hypnosis, we aim to better understand this little-explored phenomenon. Adopting hypnosis, a technique that many anesthesiologists consider subjective, contradicted a core tenet of their profession: the need to only use techniques validated by rigorous scientific-based research. Drawing on interviews and observations, we analyze how these anesthesiologists were able to change their views and reinvent their work. We find that turning inward to oneself (focusing on their own direct experiences of clients) and turning outward to clients (relying on relations with clients) played critical roles in anesthesiologists’ ability to shift their views and adopt hypnosis. Through this process, these anesthesiologists embarked on a voluntary internal transformation, or reboot, whereby they profoundly reassessed their work, onboarded people in adjacent professions to accept their own reinvention, and countered isolation from their peers.
BOURMAULT Nishani - NEOMA Business School |
La neutralité carbone désigne un équilibre parfait entre les émissions de CO2 et leur retrait de l'atmosphère, souvent appelé « zéro émissions nettes » (ZEN). Bien que le concept semble simple, il est important de noter qu'il concerne principalement le CO2 mais peut s'étendre à tous les gaz à effet de serre dans une définition plus large, connue sous le nom de « neutralité climatique ». La neutralité carbone peut être mesurée sur différents périmètres, comme une ville, un pays ou une organisation, et peut inclure des émissions directes et indirectes. Il est crucial de différencier la neutralité carbone de la compensation carbone, qui implique de financer des projets pour compenser les émissions. Cependant, la compensation peut détourner l’attention des réductions réelles et est parfois critiquée pour des pratiques de greenwashing. Pour être efficace, la neutralité carbone nécessite des actions substantielles et des transformations structurelles plutôt que de simples compensations financières.
LE Patrick - NEOMA Business School |
Our study explores historical paradoxes in the coffee industry, focusing on the persistent tension between pragmatism and idealism. Paradoxes are defined as persistent conflicts between opposing yet complementary forces. For example, organizations must balance stability with the need for change. We analyzed the coffee industry in the United States over a century, from the 1910s to the 2020s, using archives from Harvard Business School's Baker Library and other specialized sources. Our research highlights the paradox between pragmatic concerns (such as coffee supply during wartime) and ideological values (like sustainability concerns in the early 2000s). This tension, influenced by historical contexts, is ever-present. For managers, it is crucial to adapt strategies to cultural trends while balancing practical and idealistic goals. Understanding this dynamic helps navigate the complex landscape of the coffee industry, and this lesson is applicable to other sectors as well.
LE Patrick - NEOMA Business School |
Nous construisons tous des identités en fonction des situations. Notre étude examine la construction d’identité en contexte liminal, en prenant le cas des journalistes de la presse quotidienne sur Twitter. Elle montre que les journalistes jouent avec leurs identités, en créant une personnalité à l’intersection de leur identités professionnelle et personnelle. Ainsi, la construction d’identité en contexte liminal peut-être plaisante dès lors qu’elle est volontaire et conduite de façon autonome.
LE Patrick - NEOMA Business School |

Médias de la même thématique

Le dispositif pédagogique « Crowdfund Your Business » est un challenge intermaster en équipe, permettant de déployer une analyse de la stratégie financière et digitale d’une campagne de levée de fonds participatif (crowdfunding). La formation est structurée afin d’être accessible quel que soit le niveau initial des participants dans les domaines considérés. Il réunit deux promotions de l’Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economics Law and Management of Innovation (Université Côte d’Azur) : le Master Stratégie Digitale, et le Master Monnaie Banque Finance Assurance. Au sein de cette vidéo, nous décrivons le dispositif, mais aussi la démarche de recherche-action initiée grâce aux sondages colléctés auprès des étudiants.
This study investigates how green investment assets improve optimal portfolio diversification in terms of tail downside risk. We use the wavelet conditional value-at-risk ratio to explore the benefits of adding green assets to conventional portfolios. We quantify risk based on the contagion between conventional stock market indices and green environmental assets, including a sustainability index, clean energy, and green bonds. Our findings emphasize the high variance between conventional stock pairs, providing evidence of contagion effects before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We show that including clean energy and green bond indices in conventional portfolios reduces the extreme risk of portfolios. In addition, we find that the diversification benefits of clean energy, green bonds, and safe-haven investments apply especially in the short term during the pandemic. Finally, we show that the considered portfolios could not decrease long-term risk during the COVID-19 crisis because of the systematic risk spread. Our portfolio optimization design supports the superiority of clean energy and green bonds in portfolio diversification over the sustainability index. These insights can be used by portfolio managers to inform diversification in different investment horizons.
FTITI Zied - EDC Business School |
Increasing awareness of climate change and its potential consequences on financial markets has led to interest in the impact of climate risk on stock returns and portfolio composition, but few studies have focused on perceived climate risk pricing. This study is the first to introduce perceived climate risk as an additional factor in asset pricing models. The perceived climate risk is measured based on the climate change sentiment of Twitter dataset with 16 million unique tweets in the years 2010–2019. One of the main advantages of our proxy is that it allows us to capture both physical and transition climate risks. Our results show that perceived climate risk is priced into S&P 500 Index stock returns and is robust when different asset-pricing models are used. Our findings have implications for market participants, as understanding the relationship between perceived climate risk and asset prices is crucial for investors seeking to navigate the financial implications of climate change, and for policymakers aiming to promote sustainable financing and mitigate the potential damaging effects of climate risk on financial markets, and a pricing model that accurately incorporates perceived climate risk can facilitate this understanding.
FTITI Zied - EDC Business School |
L’adaptation du design d’interface aux incapacités des utilisateurs est essentielle pour améliorer l’accessibilité du Web. Une étude menée auprès d’une centaine d’utilisateurs, présentant des incapacités permanentes ou temporaires, montre que cette personnalisation explicite du design améliore la satisfaction liée à l’expérience en ligne. Elle facilite d’abord l’utilisation et augmente ensuite le plaisir ressenti. Trois recommandations clés sont faites aux praticiens : prioriser la satisfaction des utilisateurs en ligne, accorder une attention particulière à l’e-personnalisation explicite de design, et intégrer les aspects cognitifs et émotionnels dans l’évaluation des interfaces.
JEANNOT Florence - OMNES Education |

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