Fondée en 1900, Audencia se positionne parmi les meilleures Ecoles de Management européennes.

Elle est accréditée EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA. Première Ecole de Management en France à adhérer à l’initiative Global Compact des Nations Unies, également signataire de leurs Principles of Responsible Management Education, Audencia s’est très tôt engagée à former et accompagner des managers innovants et responsables, dotés de compétences hybrides, qui contribuent positivement aux grands enjeux auxquels nos organisations, nos sociétés et notre planète, sont confrontées. Audencia a également créé Gaïa, la toute première école adossée à une business school dédiée à la transition écologique et sociale.

En co-création avec ses parties prenantes, Audencia produit et diffuse des connaissances qui ont un impact sur la littérature scientifique, le contenu de ses formations, les pratiques des entreprises et la société dans son ensemble. Elle contribue ainsi aux trois défis majeurs suivants : la création et l’utilisation de technologies et d’information responsables, la définition et l’adoption d’approches managériales favorisant des organisations et des sociétés inclusives et la conception et la mise en œuvre de modèles d’affaires et de développements soutenables.

Audencia propose des programmes en management et en communication allant du bachelor au doctorat. Elle a signé des accords avec 215 institutions académiques à l’étranger, et plus de 180 entreprises nationales et internationales. Elle accueille plus de 7 200 étudiants, dispose d’un corps professoral de 152 enseignants-chercheurs et d’un réseau de plus de 34 000 diplômés.

Vidéos récentes de cette institution

Offsetting means offsetting assets and liabilities and only reporting the net values in the financial statements. Whether offsetting should be allowed remains the largest difference between US and international accounting standards. Banning offsetting will have a significant impact on the financial statements, especially the banks. Hence, US banks stay firmly opposed to restricting offsetting in accounting due to great negative impact on the banks capital ratios.
This study draws on the theory of cognitive dissonance to better understand how individuals make moral sense of responsible business behavior in a societal paradox characterized by interdependent and contradictory demands between important social objectives. Using a qualitative survey open to the U.S. public at the the start of the pandemic, the study proposes a typology called the 4R Model of Moral Sensemaking of Competing Social Problems. The 4R Model offers insights for businesses on how their responses to competing social problems may be perceived as either responsible and/or irresponsible. The study then expands the paradox and micro-CSR literatures.
What are digital data wallets? What type of data do they handle, and what are their advantages? Digital data wallets are secure digital platforms or applications that allow users to store, manage, and share personal information and data. These wallets can hold a variety of digital credentials, including payment information, identification documents (like driver's licenses or ID cards), and health records. Their flexibility and security make digital data wallets an attractive solution for a range of activities, from financial transactions to identity verification and online authentication.
The rise of digital wallets led the EU to fund the Soteria project. It unites practitioners and researchers from across Europe to pinpoint the key criteria that will persuade individuals to use Digital Data Wallets.

Podcasts récents de cette institution

Nommé le 15 janvier 2024 à la tête d’Audencia, l’école de management nantaise, Sébastien Tran a eu un an pour établir son diagnostic et administrer ses premiers remèdes à une institution abîmée par une affaire de "management toxique", entre la rentrée 2022 et le courant de l’année 2023. La période de transition se termine : l’école prépare maintenant son prochain plan stratégique, dans lequel un rapprochement avec une autre école "est clairement sur la table", "parmi d’autres options", indique le nouveau DG dans ce 29e numéro du "Grand Oral AEF info x Fnege", co-animé par Bernard Ramanantsoa.
TRAN Sébastien - AUDENCIA |
Offsetting means offsetting assets and liabilities and only reporting the net values in the financial statements. Whether offsetting should be allowed remains the largest difference between US and international accounting standards. Banning offsetting will have a significant impact on the financial statements, especially the banks. Hence, US banks stay firmly opposed to restricting offsetting in accounting due to great negative impact on the banks capital ratios.
This study draws on the theory of cognitive dissonance to better understand how individuals make moral sense of responsible business behavior in a societal paradox characterized by interdependent and contradictory demands between important social objectives. Using a qualitative survey open to the U.S. public at the the start of the pandemic, the study proposes a typology called the 4R Model of Moral Sensemaking of Competing Social Problems. The 4R Model offers insights for businesses on how their responses to competing social problems may be perceived as either responsible and/or irresponsible. The study then expands the paradox and micro-CSR literatures.
What are digital data wallets? What type of data do they handle, and what are their advantages? Digital data wallets are secure digital platforms or applications that allow users to store, manage, and share personal information and data. These wallets can hold a variety of digital credentials, including payment information, identification documents (like driver’s licenses or ID cards), and health records. Their flexibility and security make digital data wallets an attractive solution for a range of activities, from financial transactions to identity verification and online authentication.

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