Human Resources Management

Épisodes du podcast

Drawing on the Foucauldian technologies of the self, this study explores how individuals re-envision practices of wellbeing outside of traditional organizational contexts during extreme events. Based on a thematic analysis of 7,234 comments posted on the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel in 2020, this study unpacks a technologically mediated practice of self-care, which we conceptualize as somametamnemata. Our findings illustrate three entangled aspects of somametamnemata relating to yoga, a form of bodywork: Caring about self through practicing yoga online; caring about self and others through sharing about yoga in written comments; and caring about self and others through responding to shared verbalizations of yoga. By situating the potentiality of individual wellbeing within ill-being, we shift debates and discussions of “corporate wellness” beyond organizational boundaries.
Shame is an emotional experience that occurs when you fail to meet the expectations of others and end up with a negative image of yourself that makes you perceive yourself to be inferior or weak to others. Shame does not only happen when we do something in front of others, but it can also happen when someone in our group does something that makes us look bad. Shame can arise for individual or collective actions.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
Impostor syndrome is a phenomenon well studied by psychologists. It is predominant among people with exceptional skills, and also very common among women. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but two factors seem very important: family dynamics and pressure to perform at work. Impostor’s syndrome can have significant consequences not only for the person suffering from it, but also for those around them.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
Frustration is a very common negative emotional experience at work in a client environment that can occur in a variety of circumstances, usually present when our goals are blocked, and there is some degree of uncertainty about the causes of the problem, that we think this is unfair, that we can’t control it. What happens once you feel frustrated is that you can either “drop out” or persevere, and what you do in terms of actions to take may depend on personal and environmental factors.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
"Emotion is a word commonly used in a personal and professional context. It is a process that begins with a stimulus that leads to cognitive and physiological responses, and that leads us to patterns of behavior or action. An emotion can occur for a variety of reasons, and the cause or stimulus that provokes it is not always obvious. Sometimes it is a feature of the environment that makes us feel emotionally stimulated.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
As part of a research paper entitled “Legitimacy, Particularism and Employee Commitment and Justice” and published in the Journal of Business Ethics, journal 4* NEOMA (Rang 1 FNEGE, Rang2 CNRS), Helena González-Gómez, Professor in the People & Organizations department, in collaboration with Sarah Hudson and Cyrlene Claasen (Rennes School of Business), examine the practice of corporate patronage and its impact on employee engagement.
GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ Hélena - NEOMA Business School |
Affordances are possibilities for action offered by environment: objects, artifacts, technologies. This concept was created to complement the functional view with an emphasis on users’ actions, and help identify potential failures or negative effects which the other approaches have difficulty identifying.
Boundaries are tools that demarcate entities or worlds, and they help maintain self-protection, emphasize legitimacy, and enable many other things to happen because of their capacity to separate or bring particular people, objects, and ideas into new configurations. Boundary work is activity related to creating, maintaining or configuring boundaries.
Ethnography originates from joining the two words: ethnos, which is Greek for cultural group, and graph, meaning writing. John van Maanen described ethnography as “tales of the field”. Ethnography in general is devoted to describing ways of life of humankind. Organizational ethnography is a social-scientific description of group of people interacting together for a period of time within organizations, whether formal or informal.