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The concept of an ‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’ has become a major means for both theorizing and making policy decisions concerning entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. The notion of an entrepreneurial ecosystem captures the way in which entrepreneurship is increasingly performed and undertaken via the innate interdependencies existing between the elements and components of what are essentially biotic communities (consisting of complex interactions between human agents and an array of tangible and intangible components). This book takes a multi-lensed view and perspective on the emergence of entrepreneurship within ecosystems in cities and regions, the manner in which these ecosystems evolve and operate, as well as their future development. This introductory chapter provides some initial theoretical background relating the nature of ecosystems in the context of entrepreneurship and urban and regional development before providing a summary of the book’s three parts: (1) The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; (2) The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; and (3) The Future of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
The aim of this study is to provide investors, policymakers and others with information on how greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and green innovation affect corporate financial performance. Although reporting by corporate venture capital (CVC) firms on GHG emissions as well as their green innovation has increased significantly, especially in the last two decades, little is known about how these two factors affect financial performance.
In this paper, we leverage the first randomized control trial of inventors at the USPTO to demonstrate that granted patent rights provide substantial benefits to independent inventors. We also find that the nature of these benefits differs by inventor type. For financially-constrained Pro se inventors from the USPTO experiment, patents act as a signal and increase the likelihood of affiliation. For the broader set of independent inventors, however, patents reduce financial, informational, and
DE GRAZIA Charles - EMLV |