TBS Education

Founded in 1903, TBS Education belongs to the very select circle of international business schools with the triple AMBA, EQUIS & AACSB accreditation.

The School offers top-level programs, such as the Bachelor’s and Master’s in Management, Masters of Science, the Global Executive MBA and DBA programs.

Combining high-end research with corporate and institutional partnerships, TBS Education also provides cutting-edge expertise in all sectors of management, especially in the sectors of AI & Business Analytics and Aerospace & Mobility.

The School provides a truly cosmopolitan environment to students from across the world on its 4 campuses in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona and Casablanca.

Vidéos récentes de cette institution

When time is of the essence and teams face unexpected contextual changes, they must adapt quickly, sometimes even in real time, that is, they may have to improvise. This paper adopts an inductive approach to explore how teams decide to engage in improvised adaptation, and what happens during those processes for improvisation to be successful. The study analyzes improvisation from the perspective of paradox theory and identifies six paradoxical tensions driven by these contexts: deployment, development, temporal, procedural, structural, and behavioral tensions. We propose a dynamic equilibrium model of team improvised adaptation that leads to team plasticity.
ABRANTES Antonio - TBS Education |
The concept of an ‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’ has become a major means for both theorizing and making policy decisions concerning entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. The notion of an entrepreneurial ecosystem captures the way in which entrepreneurship is increasingly performed and undertaken via the innate interdependencies existing between the elements and components of what are essentially biotic communities (consisting of complex interactions between human agents and an array of tangible and intangible components). This book takes a multi-lensed view and perspective on the emergence of entrepreneurship within ecosystems in cities and regions, the manner in which these ecosystems evolve and operate, as well as their future development. This introductory chapter provides some initial theoretical background relating the nature of ecosystems in the context of entrepreneurship and urban and regional development before providing a summary of the book’s three parts: (1) The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; (2) The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; and (3) The Future of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
De nombreuses jeunes entreprises ne survivent pas aux premières années d'activité. Des études antérieures suggèrent que les réseaux jouent un rôle dans la réussite des jeunes entreprises, mais cet effet positif a des limites. L'objectif de cet article est de répondre à la demande d'une meilleure compréhension de la face obscure des réseaux et des variables qui conditionnent la probabilité de survie des entreprises en phase de démarrage. Sur la base d'une étude empirique menée dans deux pays différents, les résultats montrent qu'une mise en réseau efficace dépend de la situation économique et du potentiel créatif de la jeune entreprise.
ABRANTES Antonio - TBS Education |
J'explore ce qui se passe lorsque des cadres supérieurs essaient d'inclure des salariés non experts dans la formulation et la mise en œuvre d'actions stratégiques marquées par des niveaux élevés de complexité et d'incertitude. Mes conclusions seront pertinentes pour quiconque qui cherche à introduire de nouvelles pratiques organisationnelles dans des environnements d'entreprise hostiles ou sceptiques. Elles devraient être particulièrement intéressantes pour les chercheurs qui étudient la stratégie ouverte, les actions politiques des entreprises et les logiques institutionnelles au niveau organisationnel.
BARRON Andrew - TBS Education |

Podcasts récents de cette institution

When time is of the essence and teams face unexpected contextual changes, they must adapt quickly, sometimes even in real time, that is, they may have to improvise. This paper adopts an inductive approach to explore how teams decide to engage in improvised adaptation, and what happens during those processes for improvisation to be successful. The study analyzes improvisation from the perspective of paradox theory and identifies six paradoxical tensions driven by these contexts: deployment, development, temporal, procedural, structural, and behavioral tensions. We propose a dynamic equilibrium model of team improvised adaptation that leads to team plasticity.
ABRANTES Antonio - TBS Education |
The concept of an ‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’ has become a major means for both theorizing and making policy decisions concerning entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. The notion of an entrepreneurial ecosystem captures the way in which entrepreneurship is increasingly performed and undertaken via the innate interdependencies existing between the elements and components of what are essentially biotic communities (consisting of complex interactions between human agents and an array of tangible and intangible components). This book takes a multi-lensed view and perspective on the emergence of entrepreneurship within ecosystems in cities and regions, the manner in which these ecosystems evolve and operate, as well as their future development. This introductory chapter provides some initial theoretical background relating the nature of ecosystems in the context of entrepreneurship and urban and regional development before providing a summary of the book’s three parts: (1) The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; (2) The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; and (3) The Future of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
I explore what happens when senior executives try to include non-expert, functional managers in the formulation and implementation of strategic actions marked by high levels of complexity and uncertainty. My findings will hopefully be relevant for anybody struggling to introduce new organizational practices in potentially hostile or sceptical corporate environments.
BARRON Andrew - TBS Education |

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