SKEMA Business School

SKEMA Business School is a private not-for-profit higher education and research establishment under the status of an association under the French Law of 1901.

SKEMA was created in 2009 through the merger of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille and the CERAM Business School in Sophia Antipolis. These two founding schools were respectively created in 1892 and 1963.

SKEMA is a global teaching and research institution that trains talented individuals committed to transforming the world in a sustainable way. Hybridization between the humanities, social sciences and data sciences is at the heart of its model, and global exposure is its modus operandi.

Vidéos récentes de cette institution

Despite many efforts taken by organisations to facilitate knowledge sharing among individuals, but the effectiveness of knowledge sharing depends on how the individuals actually seek and provide that knowledge. In many instances, employees face challenges that need frequent interactions with knowledge sharing that raise the questions: how do knowledge seekers approach or communicate with providers, and what are the best means to share knowledge? Beyond the many variables in the current literature that are important in seeking knowledge, we propose and investigate the construct of humility in knowledge sharing.
ANAND Amitabh - SKEMA Business School |
How does the process of IT implementation unfold when an organisation mandates an IT‐led transformation spanning an entire sector that comprises hundreds or even thousands of companies?
MOLA Lapo - SKEMA Business School |
Unfavourable weather has an impact on sales of consumer goods. It is now possible to insure manufacturers and retailers against this risk. To do this, we identify the climate variables that have the greatest influence on sales. Next, the financial risk associated with changes in these variables is assessed. Finally, it is possible to hedge this risk using financial instruments or insurance policies. These techniques are valid for all products whose sales vary greatly depending on the weather such as clothing, sun products, ice cream, etc.
BRUSSET Xavier - SKEMA Business School |

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