IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School

IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School is an academic institution specialized in training and research in Business Administration. It is associated with Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University, as well as a member of the IAE France network.

It benefits from a specific status (Établissement Public Administratif) that grants the institution a broad autonomy in its strategy definition and management, as well as true agility in its operations.

Ever since it’s foundation in 1956 IAE Paris Sorbonne has been committed to developing “double competencies” through its original MBA program and degree: “Master Management et Administration des Entreprises”. This program is dedicated to working professionals, and to students with various tracks specific to each need.

The program portfolio also includes more specialized fields to meet the ever-changing needs of companies. About 50 degree granting programs, the institution trains yearly about 2800 graduate students (mostly Master’s degree programs). Seventy-five percent of the students are part of an Executive track and roughly a third of the student body is part of an international program.

In addition, IAE Paris Sorbonne proposes to its junior students tracks offered through apprenticeship. With a renowned faculty, its research center and research groups (Chaires), IAE Paris Sorbonne differentiates from others with a dynamic research activity that feeds the training with innovative insights and contributes to shape the future business practices. Its close links with the business community benefits both its training, as well as its research.

With deep roots in humanistic values of equal opportunity, merit-based promotion, commitment to society and progress, IAE Paris Sorbonne is dedicated, as a public university, to the development and sharing of academic and professional knowledge in Business Administration.

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