Burgundy School of Business

Founded in 1899, BSB is an international Grande École of teaching and research, a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and both EQUIS and AACSB accredited.

BSB offers high-level management courses from Bac to Bac+5, as well as a wide range of continuing education programs for professionals.

BSB also showcases its expertise in wine management with the world-renowned School of Wine & Spirits Business, entirely dedicated to this sector.

Vidéos récentes de cette institution

A game to foster class cohesion? That's exactly what Nick Ware, director of the Master's in Arts and Culture Management and lecturer at BSB, implemented. Indeed, communication among international students is not always easy, especially at the beginning of a program. Lego Serious Play is a method that, through the use of Lego bricks, encourages non-verbal and metaphorical expression while creating a shared language. It ensures the involvement of every participant, including the more introverted ones. This approach has proven effective in facilitating interaction among students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and in strengthening class cohesion.
WARE Nick - Burgundy School of Business |
Although consumers rely on their activities to help construct their identity, antecedents and outcomes of consumer-activity identification (CAI) have not been elucidated. This research addresses this gap through the development of a conceptual model that is tested through two studies. Study 1 finds that CAI leads to consumer-brand identification (CBI). Further, CBI mediates the relationship between CAI and brand loyalty. Study 2 expands these findings by understanding the role of brand and activity social benefits as antecedents for CAI and CBI and including a second brand outcome: brand relationship continuance. Taken together, the results indicate that consumers indeed rely on the activities a brand is used within to construct their identity in addition to the brand.
HAWKINS Matthew - Burgundy School of Business |
Nous étudions si la représentation des détenteurs d'obligations au sein des conseils d'administration peut être un mécanisme de discipline de marché efficace pour réduire le risque bancaire, en utilisant un ensemble de données unique combinant des informations sur les détenteurs d'obligations et les conseils d'administration des banques européennes cotées. Nos résultats montrent que l'influence des représentants des détenteurs d'obligations au sein des conseils d'administration des banques réduit significativement le risque bancaire sans avoir d'impact sur la rentabilité.
TRAN Phan Huy Hieu - Burgundy School of Business |
L’objectif de notre article est d’étudier l'impact des quotas de genre sur la performance des entreprises. Nous considérons pour cela les lois imposant un quota de genre dans certains pays européens comme une expérience quasi naturelle. Les résultats de notre analyse empirique mettent en évidence que les quotas de genre réduisent le coût des fonds propres à court terme des entreprises, mais diminuent leur Tobin’s Q à long terme, tout en ayant un impact neutre sur leur rentabilité à court terme et à plus long terme. Notre analyse soutient également l'argument selon lequel les responsables politiques peuvent recourir à un dispositif de quotas pour favoriser la parité au sein des conseils d'administration sans générer d'effets négatifs sur la performance à court terme des entreprises.
TRAN Thu Ha - Burgundy School of Business |

Podcasts récents de cette institution

We examine whether board representation of bondholders can be an effective market discipline mechanism to reduce bank risk, using a unique dataset combining information on bondholders and boards of directors of European listed banks. Our results show that the influence of bondholder representatives on the bank board significantly reduces bank risk without impacting profitability.
TRAN Phan Huy Hieu - Burgundy School of Business |
This paper investigates the impact of gender quotas on firm performance using countries worldwide that have introduced a gender quota as a quasinatural experiment.
TRAN Thu Ha - Burgundy School of Business |

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