BPI France Le Lab

Everyone should be aware that: SMEs (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) and MSBs (Mid-Sized Businesses) are vital for the French economy in terms of growth, jobs and local roots. However, faced with specific challenges, they are still little known: there is a knowledge gap about our SMEs-MSBs that is vital to fill. Bpifrance Le Lab is the think tank on SMEs and midcaps. Its role: stimulate business managers to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow. Specifically, Bpifrance Le Lab works on: • drawing the best ideas from research and the field; • making the best use of managers’ experiences and feedback; • connecting managers to readers within a participatory research community. Bpifrance Le Lab therefore encourages the emergence of ideas useful for SMEs-MSBs. Its goal: well-rounded managers in thriving companies. Find us on bpifrance-lelab.fr

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