Investigating Online Student satisfaction: determinants and impacts

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The e-learning industry is growing rapidly, especially following Covid-19 and the need to switch to remote learning for many Schools. To be student driven and market oriented is key to gaining competitive advantage for today’s online distance learning.
This study is based with FOUR key concepts:

• Expectation Confirmation Model (Bhattacherjee,2001).
• Transactional Distance Theory (Moore, 1972)
• Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989)
• Information Systems Success Model (DeLone and McLean, 1992)


Medias of the same institution

Today, the talk of the impact of business schools is everywhere, it has become a central issue for each and every school because stakeholders, and in particular accreditation bodies attach great importance to it. BSIS is a global approach to the impact of business schools, both from a quantitative and a qualitative perspective, through 7 distinct dimensions. The book "BSIS, a decade of impact", shows how business schools have implemented impact measurement. More information :
KALIKA Michel - iaelyon School of Management |
Building on construal level theory and psychological distance (PD), this paper considers the impact of erotic ads; the factors of sex and moral attentiveness are also examined. Two experiments delve into different PD types, evoking variant construal levels (CLs) while promoting a different product across different levels of erotic intensity in the ad. Findings show that as the PD or CL decreases, reactions become more unfavorable, regardless of the ad’s level of erotic intensity. Also, reactions vary depending on sex and moral attentiveness; women and individuals with high moral attentiveness levels express stronger objections.
THEODORAKIS Ioannis - OMNES Education |
L’orientation-marché (OM) est une stratégie définissable par l'influence de la structure du marché et/ou du comportement des acteurs du marché dans une direction qui renforce l'avantage concurrentiel (AC) d’une entreprise. Cet article a pour objectif d'identifier : (1) les principaux résultats de l’OM au niveau de l'entreprise et du marché, (2) les mécanismes de médiation entre ces résultats, et (3) l'influence des capacités d'innovation radicale (IR) et incrémentale (II) des produits sur l’OM. Adoptant une méthode de recherche mixte fondée sur trois études, les résultats suggèrent que : (a) les résultats de la stratégie OM au niveau de l'entreprise portent sur la performance financière (PF) et la performance du client, la réputation de l'organisation (RO) et l'AC durable ; (b) la IR et II
THEODORAKIS Ioannis - OMNES Education |
In an attempt to explain the ‘education-job mismatch’, this study sets out to ascertain the “skill set” that is needed by modern-day graduates who are pursuing a career in an international environment. The emphasis is on identifying the particular skills that they will need, with specific reference to Cross-Cultural Management or ‘CCM skills’. Using a mixed methods approach (focus group discussions, interviews and interactive seminar); the findings expose the magnitude of the education–job mismatch. Specifically, there is a lack of transferable CCM skills, a mismatch between the provision of CCM skills development in higher education and the needs of recruiters, and a curriculum shortfall in terms of CCM skills. Based on the findings, a framework is developed for addressing the ‘education-job mismatch’.
LICHY Jessica - FNEGE |

Medias of the same thematics

Based on institutional theory and the dynamic capability view, this study delves into the relationship between a firm’s climate change adaptation (CCA) capability and its performance, with a focus on the mediating influence of business-to-business (B2B) marketing capability. The study poses two main research questions: RQ1: What role do institutional pressures play in fostering CCA capability among B2B firms in both developed and developing countries? RQ2: How does the CCA capability of B2B firms impact their performance? To validate the theoretical model developed, data is collected through surveys conducted in a developed country (Australia) and a developing country (South Africa). The study holds significance on two fronts: (a) being among the first to examine the influence of institutional pressures on CCA capability development, and (b) uncovering the mediating role of marketing capability in enhancing B2B firm performance through CCA capability. The study’s novel contribution lies in identifying pivotal elements for driving exceptional B2B firm performance amidst climate change, while employing institutional theory and the dynamic capability view to elucidate underlying mechanisms.
BAG Surajit - EMLV |
When time is of the essence and teams face unexpected contextual changes, they must adapt quickly, sometimes even in real time, that is, they may have to improvise. This paper adopts an inductive approach to explore how teams decide to engage in improvised adaptation, and what happens during those processes for improvisation to be successful. The study analyzes improvisation from the perspective of paradox theory and identifies six paradoxical tensions driven by these contexts: deployment, development, temporal, procedural, structural, and behavioral tensions. We propose a dynamic equilibrium model of team improvised adaptation that leads to team plasticity.
ABRANTES Antonio - TBS Education |
This cross-cultural study (individualistic vs. collectivistic culture) applies construal level theory, exploring the impact of cause familiarity on brand attitudes and how cause–brand fit mediates this link. The study also examines how perceived betrayal moderates the relationship between cause–brand fit and brand attitude. Data collection involved 455 participants from French and Turkish cultures via snowball sampling. Findings show cause familiarity significantly influences brand attitude, with attitude toward fit in a cause–brand alliance as a mediator. Perceived betrayal also moderates the cause–brand fit and brand attitude relationship, shedding light on the positive effects of aligning with a familiar cause on brand attitudes, emphasizing the crucial role of fit in such alliances.
The aim of this study is to provide investors, policymakers and others with information on how greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and green innovation affect corporate financial performance. Although reporting by corporate venture capital (CVC) firms on GHG emissions as well as their green innovation has increased significantly, especially in the last two decades, little is known about how these two factors affect financial performance.

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